

The general menu is used to manage certificates, add templates, issue certificates, and manage CRL and SCEP Clients.

Certificate Template

Certificate templates are used to prepare a desired certificate for signing.

Certificate template is deleted right after a certificate is signed or a certificate request command is executed

add name=CA-Template common-name=CAtemp key-usage=key-cert-sign,crl-sign
add name=Server common-name=server
add name=Client common-name=client

To print out certificates:

[admin@4k11] /certificate> print detail 
Flags: K - private-key; L - crl; C - smart-card-key; A - authority; I - issued, R - revoked; E - expired; T - trusted 
 0         name="CA-Template" key-type=rsa common-name="CAtemp" key-size=2048 subject-alt-name="" days-valid=365 key-usage=key-cert-sign,crl-sign 

 1         name="Server" key-type=rsa common-name="server" key-size=2048 subject-alt-name="" days-valid=365 

 2         name="Client" key-type=rsa common-name="client" key-size=2048 subject-alt-name="" days-valid=365 

Certificate properties

common-name (string)Certificate common name
copy-from (name)Certificate name from which to copy general settings
country (string)Certificate issuer country
days-valid (days Default: 365)Days certificate will be valid after signing
digest-algorithm (md5 | sha1 | sha256 | sha384 | sha512 Default: sha256 )Certificate public key algorithm
key-size (1024 | 1536 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192 | prime256v1 | secp384r1 | secp521r1 Default: 2048)Certificate public key size

key-usage (code-sign | crl-sign | decipher-only | dvcs | encipher-only     key-cert-sign | ocsp-sign | tls-client | content-commitment | data-encipherment | digital-signature | email-protect | key-agreement | key-encipherment | timestamp | tls-server Default: digital-signature,key-encipherment,data-encipherment,key-cert-sign,crl-sign,tls-server,tls-client)

Certificate usage

locality (string)

Certificate issuer locality

name (string)

Certificate name

organization (string)

Certificate issuer organization

state (string)

Certificate issuer state

subject-alt-name (DNS: | IP: | email:)

Certificate subject alternative name

trusted (no| yes Default: )

unit (string)

Certificate issuer organizational unit

Certificate read-only properties

After a certificate is signed, most of a certificate template properties are converted to read-only (except name and trusted)

serial-numberCertificate serial number
akidCertificate authority ID
skidCertificate subject ID
invalid-beforeDate and time before which a certificate expired
invalid-afterDate and time after which a certificate expired


caCertificate authority common name

If the CA certificate is removed, all issued certificates in the chain are also removed.

Sign Certificate

Certificates should be signed. In the following example, we will sign certificates and add CRL URL for the server certificate:

sign CA-Template 
sign Client      
sign Server ca-crl-host= name=ServerCA

Let`s check is the certificates are signed:

[admin@MikroTik] /certificate> print
Flags: K - private-key; L - crl; A - authority; T - trusted
#        NAME         COMMON  FINGERPRINT                                                     
0  K AT  CA-Template  CAtemp  0c7aaa7607a4dde1bbf33deaae6be7bac9fe4064ba47d64e8a73dcefad6cfc38
1  K AT  Client       client  b3ff25ecb166ea41e15733a7493003f3ea66310c10390c33e98fe32364c3659f
2  KLAT  ServerCA     server  152b88c9d81f4b765a59e2302e01efd1fbf11ceeed6e59f4974e87787a5bb980

For a video example click here.

The time of the key signing process depends on the key size of a specific certificate. With values of 4k and higher, it might take a substantial time to sign this specific certificate on less powerful CPU-based devices.

Export Certificate

It is possible to export client certificates with keys and CA certificates in two formats - PEM or PCKS12.

export-passphrase (string Default: none)Passphrase that will be used for exported certificate private key encryption.
file-name (string Default: cert_export_[Certificate name].crt/key/pkcs12)Exported certificate file name.
type (pem | pkcs12 Default: pem)

Exported certificate type.

In case of PEM, certificate will be exported with CRT extension, if export-passphrase is specified, also encrypted private KEY file will be exported.

In case of PKCS12, certificate will be exported with P12 extension, if export-passphrase is specified, exported certificate will contain encryted private key.

export-certificate CA-Template 
export-certificate ServerCA export-passphrase=yourpassphrase
export-certificate Client export-passphrase=yourpassphrase

Exported certificates are available under the /file section:

[admin@MikroTik] > file print
#  NAME                         TYPE        SIZE  CREATION-TIME       
0  skins                        directory         jan/19/2019 00:00:04
1  flash                        directory         jan/19/2019 01:00:00
2  pub                          directory         jan/19/2019 02:42:16
3  cert_export_CA-Template.crt  .crt file   1119  jan/19/2019 04:15:21
4  cert_export_ServerCA.crt     .crt file   1229  jan/19/2019 04:15:42
5  cert_export_ServerCA.key     .key file   1858  jan/19/2019 04:15:42
6  cert_export_Client.crt       .crt file   1164  jan/19/2019 04:15:55
7  cert_export_Client.key       .key file   1858  jan/19/2019 04:15:55

Exporting certificates requires "sensitive" user policy.

Import Certificate

To import certificates, certificates must be uploaded to a device using one of the file upload methods.

Certificates must be imported as a file.

Supported are PEM, DER, CRT, PKCS12 formats.

name (string Default: file-name_number)A certificate name that will be shown in the certificate manager
file-name (string)A file name that will be imported
passphrase (string Default: none)File passphrase if there is such
trusted (yes | no Default: yes)Adds trusted flag for imported certificate

[admin@MikroTik] > /certificate/import file-name=certificate_file_name name=name_example passphrase=file_passphrase
     certificates-imported: 2
     private-keys-imported: 1
            files-imported: 1
       decryption-failures: 0
  keys-with-no-certificate: 0

[admin@MikroTik] > /certificate/print 
#    NAME            COMMON-NAME                                                  
0 KT name_example    cert    
1  T name_example_1  ca   


/certificate settings allows configuring Certificate Revocation List (CRL) settings.

By default, CRL is not utilized, and certificates are not verified for revocation status.

builtin-trust-anchors (trusted not-trusted Default: see description)

Allows to trust built-in root certificate authorities

Default builtin-trust-anchors after upgrade from older RouterOS version: not-trusted

Default builtin-trust-anchors after configuration reset: trusted

crl-download (yes | no Default: no)Whether to automatically download/update CRL
crl-store (ram | sytem Default: ram)

Where to store downloaded CRL information

CRL will be automatically renewed every hour for certificates which have "trusted=yes" using http protocol (ldap and ftp is currently unsupported)

crl-use (yes | no Default: no)Whether to use CRL

If /certificate/settings/set crl-use is set to yes, RouterOS will check CRL for each certificate in a certificate chain, therefore, an entire certificate chain should be installed into a device - starting from Root CA, intermediate CA (if there are such), and certificate that is used for specific service.

An example on importing a root certificate.

Let's Encrypt certificates

RouterOS v7 has Let's Encrypt (letsencrypt) certificate support for the 'www-ssl' service. To enable the Let's Encrypt certificate service with automatic certificate renewal, use the 'enable-ssl-certificate' command:

/certificate enable-ssl-certificate dns-name=my.domain.com

Note that the DNS name must point to the router and port TCP/80 must be available from the WAN. If the dns-name is not specified, it will default to the automatically generated /ip cloud name (ie. http://example.sn.mynetname.net)

Different acme servers

Support has been added starting from 7.15beta7, you can use not only Let's Encrypt certificate service, but any other you like.

Server properties

directory-url (string)ACME directory url.
eab-hmac-key (string)HMAC key for ACME External Account Binding (optional).
eab-kid (string)

Key identifier (optional).


/certificate/enable-ssl-certificate directory-url=https://acme.zerossl.com/v2/DV90 dns-name=mydomain.abc eab-hmac-key=4ac7xuxAdV4mIncwIIEhLjExsFZ4v1rWgDkX4SKXD25pMVtF85GZJYSF8UKXUOjzSr2g3-v4lhL57NHFaQ42Ff eab-kid=GHWaP2_Ghx73vcU8ricAKU 

Watch a video on Let's encrypt setup.


SCEP is using HTTP protocol and base64 encoded GET requests. Most of the requests are without authentication and cipher, however, important ones can be protected if necessary (ciphered or signed using a received public key).

SCEP client in RouterOS will:

  • get CA certificate from CA server or RA (if used);
  • user should compare the fingerprint of the CA certificate or if it comes from the right server;
  • generate a self-signed certificate with a temporary key;
  • send a certificate request to the server;
  • if the server responds with status x, then the client keeps requesting until the server sends an error or approval.

The SCEP server supports the issuance of one certificate only. RouterOS supports also renew and next-ca options:

  • renew - the possibility to renew the old certificate automatically with the same CA.
  • next-ca - possibility to change the current CA certificate to the new one.

The client polls the server for any changes, if the server advertises that the next-ca is available, then the client may request the next CA or wait until CA almost expires and then request the next-ca.

The RouterOS client by default will try to use POST, AES, and SHA256 if the server advertises that. If the above algorithms are not supported, then the client will try to use 3DES, DES and SHA1, MD5.

SCEP certificates are renewed when 3/4 of their validity time has passed.

Built-in root certificate authorities

Starting from RouterOS 7.19beta2, RouterOS contains list of built-in root certificate authorities that can be used for host certificate verification. 

Now it is possible to use DoH, download Adlist from URL or use fetch tool with certificate validation without the need to manually import the relevant root certificate.

List of built-in root certificate authorities is accessible in /certificate/builtin/ (currently available only in CLI).

When upgrading from older RouterOS version, by default built-in root certificates are not trusted.

Execute /certificate/settings/set builtin-trust-anchors=trusted to change trust settings for these certificates