
Every RouterOS interface contains various counters, for example, the number of received and transmitted packets, Fast Path bytes, and link downs. 


Use the stats or stats-detail commands to print the interface counters. The values starting with "fp" indicates the Fast Path counters. The value "tx-queue-drop" indicates the number of dropped packets by the interface queue

[admin@MikroTik] > /interface print stats 
Flags: R - RUNNING
0 R ether1  205 149 015  147 887 338    158 132    150 015              2
1 R ether2   32 400 148  335 690 764         19    216 509              0
2 R ether3  944 043 040   32 392 350    617 271         17              0
3 R ether4    7 038 417   32 398 973          9          4              0
4 R ether5    7 036 903   32 502 437          5          9              0
5   sfp1              0            0          0          0              0
[admin@MikroTik] > /interface print stats-detail  
Flags: D - dynamic; X - disabled, R - running; S - slave; P - passthrough 
 0  R   name="ether1" last-link-down-time=jul/19/2022 12:37:06 last-link-up-time=jul/19/2022 12:37:09 link-downs=2 
        rx-byte=205 164 277 tx-byte=147 977 500 rx-packet=158 254 tx-packet=150 156 tx-queue-drop=2 
        fp-rx-byte=199 271 067 fp-tx-byte=0 fp-rx-packet=1 473 603 fp-tx-packet=0 

 1  R   name="ether2" last-link-down-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:06 last-link-up-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:07 link-downs=10 
        rx-byte=32 400 148 tx-byte=335 690 764 rx-packet=19 tx-packet=216 509 tx-queue-drop=0 
        fp-rx-byte=33 718 434 fp-tx-byte=67 fp-rx-packet=60 037 fp-tx-packet=1 

 2  R   name="ether3" last-link-down-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:06 last-link-up-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:08 link-downs=11 
        rx-byte=944 043 040 tx-byte=32 392 350 rx-packet=617 271 tx-packet=17 tx-queue-drop=0 fp-rx-byte=6 860 921 
        fp-tx-byte=0 fp-rx-packet=46 671 fp-tx-packet=0 

 3  R   name="ether4" last-link-down-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:06 last-link-up-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:07 link-downs=10 
        rx-byte=7 038 417 tx-byte=32 398 973 rx-packet=9 tx-packet=4 tx-queue-drop=0 fp-rx-byte=6 852 283 
        fp-tx-byte=0 fp-rx-packet=46 586 fp-tx-packet=0 

 4  R   name="ether5" last-link-down-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:06 last-link-up-time=jul/19/2022 12:46:08 link-downs=10 
        rx-byte=7 036 903 tx-byte=32 502 437 rx-packet=5 tx-packet=9 tx-queue-drop=0 fp-rx-byte=6 850 637 
        fp-tx-byte=178 fp-rx-packet=46 568 fp-tx-packet=2 

 5      name="sfp1" link-downs=0 rx-byte=0 tx-byte=0 rx-packet=0 tx-packet=0 tx-queue-drop=0 fp-rx-byte=0 
        fp-tx-byte=0 fp-rx-packet=0 fp-tx-packet=0 

Monitor traffic

The traffic passing through any interface can be monitored using the monitor-traffic command.

[admin@MikroTik] > /interface monitor-traffic [find]
                         name:     ether1 ether2 ether3 ether4 ether5 sfp1
        rx-packets-per-second:         19      0      0      0      0    0
           rx-bits-per-second:   27.8kbps   0bps   0bps   0bps   0bps 0bps
     fp-rx-packets-per-second:         29      0      0      0      0    0
        fp-rx-bits-per-second:   26.8kbps   0bps   0bps   0bps   0bps 0bps
        tx-packets-per-second:         21      0      0      0      0    0
           tx-bits-per-second:  149.4kbps   0bps   0bps   0bps   0bps 0bps
     fp-tx-packets-per-second:          0      0      0      0      0    0
        fp-tx-bits-per-second:       0bps   0bps   0bps   0bps   0bps 0bps
    tx-queue-drops-per-second:          0      0      0      0      0    0

Additional Ethernet statistics are available in the "/interface ethernet" menu. 

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