Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


go to the root menu
go back by one menu level
list all available menu commands and brief descriptions
global:global <var> [<value>]define a global variable:global myVar "something"; :put $myVar;
local:local <var> [<value>]define the local variable{ :local myLocalVar "I am local"; :put $myVar; }
beep:beep <freq> <length>beep built-in speaker
convert:convert from=[arg] to=[arg]

Converts specified value from one format to another. By default uses an automatically parsed value, if the "from" format is not specified (for example, "001" becomes "1", "10.1" becomes "", etc.).

from specifies the format of the value - base32, base64, hex, raw, rot13, url.

to specifies the format of the output value - base32, base64, hex, raw, rot13, url.

transform to transform values - lc (transforms value to be in lowercases), uc (uppercases), lcfirst (first value to lowercase), ucfirst (first value to uppercase)

:put [:convert 001 to=hex ]


:put [:convert [/ip dhcp-client/option/get hostname raw-value] from=hex to=raw ]


:put [convert transform=lc "AAA"]         


delay:delay <time>do nothing for a given period of time
environment:environment print <start>print initialized variable information:global myVar true; :environment print;
error:error <output>Generate console error and stop executing the script
execute:execute <expression>

Execute the script in the background. The result can be written in the file by setting a "file"parameter or printed to the CLI by setting "as-string".

When using the "as-string" parameter executed script is blocked (not executed in the background).

Executed script can not be larger than 64kB

Code Block
:local j [:execute {/interface print follow where [:log info ~Sname~]}];
:delay 10s;
:do { /system script job remove $j } on-error={}

find:find <arg> <arg> <start>return position of a substring or array element:put [:find "abc" "a" -1];
:jobnamereturn current script name
Code Block
titleLimit script execution to single instance
:if ([/system script job print count-only as-value where script=[:jobname] ] > 1) do={
  :error "script instance already running"

len:len <expression>return string length or array element count:put [:len "length=8"];
log:log <topic> <message>write a message to the system log. Available topics are "debug, error, info and warning":log info "Hello from script";
onerror:onerror <var_name> in={<command>} do={<expression>}

The command used to catch errors and get error details. The do={...} block is executed, when in={...} block has an error,  and error details are written in <var_name> variable. 

Parameter order is important. The "error" parameter must be set before "do" block, otherwise do block will not see the local variable. 

:onerror can return false (if there is no error) and true (if there is an error) values, so it can be used in :if condition statement scripts.

:onerror errorName in={ :error "failure" } do={ :put "Critical $errorName" }
parse:parse <expression>parse the string and return parsed console commands. Can be used as a function.:global myFunc [:parse ":put hello!"];
pick:pick <var> <start>[<count>]

return range of elements or substring. If the count is not specified, will return only one element from an array.

  • var - value to pick elements from
  • start - element to start picking from (the first element index is 0)
  • count - number of elements to pick starting from the first element with index=0

Code Block
[admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick "abcde" 1 3]

put:put <expression>put the supplied argument into the console:put "Hello world"
resolve:resolve <arg>return the IP address of the given DNS name:put [:resolve ""];
retry:retry command=<expr> delay=[num] max=[num] on-error=<expr>Try to execute the given command "max" amount of times with a given "delay" between tries. On failure, execute the expression given in the "on-error" block

:retry command={abc} delay=1 max=2 on-error={:put "got error"}
got error

Code Block
:retry command={abc} delay=1 max=2 on-error={:put "got error"}
got error

typeof:typeof <var>the return data type of variable:put [:typeof 4];
rndnum:rndnum from=[num] to=[num]random number generator:put [:rndnum from=1 to=99];
rndstr:rndstr from=[str] length=[num]

Random string generator.

from specifies characters to construct the string from and defaults to all ASCII letters and numerals.
length specifies the length of the string to create and defaults to 16.

:put [:rndnum from="abcdef%^&" length=33];

set:set <var> [<value>]assign value to a declared variable.:global a; :set a true;
serialize:serialize [<value>] to=[arg]

Serialize specified value/array to JSON or dsv (delimeter separated values) format.


to specifies the format

using to=json.

json, dsv

delimeter sets the "separator".

oder specifies the order for variables.

options specifies additional options - json.pretty (makes the JSON output more visually appealing), dsv.wrap-strings (wraps string values inside quatation marks), dsv.ignore-size (if array values have different sizes, e.g. a=(1,2);b=(3,4);c=(5,6,7),this option will work around array size mismatch error and set "empty" values in those slots).

Code Block
:put [:serialize value=a,b,c to=json]                 

:local test {a=(1,2,3);b=(4,5,6);c=(7,"text",9)}; :put [ :serialize to=dsv delimiter=";" value=$test order=("c","a","b") ]     
Code Block
:put [:serialize value=a,b,c to=json]                 

deserialize:deserialize [<value>] from=[arg]

Deserialize specified value/array from JSON or dsv (delimeter separated values) format.


from specifies the format

using from=json

json, dsv

See "serialize" above for more parameters.

Code Block
:put [:deserialize from=json value="[\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"]"]
time:time <expression>return interval of time needed to execute the command:put [:time {:for i from=1 to=10 do={ :delay 100ms }}];
timestamp:timestampreturns the time since epoch, where epoch is January 1, 1970 (Thursday), not counting leap seconds

Code Block
[admin@MikroTik] > :put [:timestamp]
[admin@MikroTik] > :put [:timestamp]
with the day offset

toarray:toarray <var>convert a variable to the array
tobool:tobool <var>convert a variable to boolean
toid:toid <var>convert a variable to internal ID
toip:toip <var>convert a variable to IP address
toip6:toip6 <var>convert a variable to IPv6 address
tonum:tonum <var>convert a variable to an integer
tostr:tostr <var>convert a variable to a string
totime:totime <var>convert a variable to time
