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add-default-route (yes | no)Whether to add default route to forward all traffic over the LTE interface.
apn (string)Service Provider's Access Point Name
authentication (pap | chap | none; Default: none)Allowed protocol to use for authentication
default-route-distance (integer; Default: 2)Sets distance value applied to auto created default route, if add-default-route is also selected. LTE route by default is with distance 2 to prefer wired routes over LTE
ip-type (ipv4 | ipv4-ipv6 auto | ipv6; Default: auto )Requested PDN type
ipv6-interface (; Default: )Interface on which to advertise IPv6 prefix
name (string; Default: )APN profile name
number (integer; Default: )APN profile number
passthrough-interface (; Default: )Interface to passthrough IP configuration (activates passthrough)
passthrough-mac (MAC; Default: auto)If set to auto, then will learn MAC from first packet
passthrough-subnet-selection (auto / p2p; Default: auto)"auto" selects the smallest possible subnet to be used for the passthrough interface. "p2p" sets the passthrough interface subnet as /32 and picks gateway address from range. The gateway address stays the same until the apn configuration is changed.
password (string; Default: )Password used if any of the authentication protocols are active
use-network-apn (yes | no; Default: yes)Parameter is available starting from RouterOS v7 and used only for MBIM modems. If set to yes, uses network provided APN.
use-peer-dns (yes | no; Default: yes)If set to yes, uses DNS recieved from LTE interface
user (integer)Username used if any of the authentication protocols are active
