Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
/iot mqtt unsubscribe broker="my PC" topic="my/test/topic"

Collecting general RouterOS statistics using



You can also use scripts to structure MQTT messages that contain RouterOS statistics. Then, you can apply the scheduler to run the script whenever you like.

(to automate the process). For example, you can run a script like this (copy it the content of the RouterOS code shown below into a notepad and then into the script "source" field):

# Required packages: iot

################################ Configuration ################################
# Name of an existing MQTT broker that should be used for publishing
:local broker "my PC"

new terminal and press "enter"):

Code Block
/system script add dont-require-permissions=no name=mqttpublish owner=admin policy=\
    ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="#\
    \_Required packages: iot\r\
    \n################################ Configuration #########################\
    \n# Name of an existing MQTT broker that should be used for publishing\r\
    \n:local broker \"my PC\"\r\
    \n# MQTT topic where the message should be published\r\
    \n:local topic \




    \n#################################### System ############################\
    \n:put (\"[*] Gathering system info...\")


    \n:local cpuLoad [/system resource get cpu-load]


    \n:local freeMemory [/system resource get free-memory]


    \n:local usedMemory ([/system resource get total-memory] - \$freeMemory)


    \n:local rosVersion [/system package get value-name=version


    \n\A0 \A0 [/system package find where name ~ \"^routeros\"]]


    \n:local model [/system routerboard get value-name=model]


    \n:local serialNumber [/system routerboard get value-name=serial-number]


    \n:local upTime [/system resource get uptime]


#################################### MQTT #####################################
:local message \


    \n#################################### MQTT ##############################\
    \n:local message \\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \"{\\\"model\\\":\\\"\$model\\\",\\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \\\"sn\\\":\\\"\$serialNumber\\\",\\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \\\"ros\\\":\\\"\$rosVersion\\\",\\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \\\"cpu\\\":\$cpuLoad,\\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \\\"umem\\\":\$usedMemory,\\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \\\"fmem\\\":\$freeMemory,\\\r\
    \n\A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \A0 \\\"uptime\\\":\\\"\$upTime\\\"}\"\r\
    \n:log info \"\$message\";\r\
    \n:put (\"[*] Total message size: \$[:len \$message] bytes\")\r\
    \n:put (\"[*] Sending message to MQTT broker...\")\r\
    \n/iot mqtt publish broker=\$broker topic=\$topic message=\$message\r\
    \n:put (\"[*] Done\")"

The script collects the data from the RouterOS (model name, serial number, RouterOS version, current CPU, used memory, free memory, and uptime) and publishes the message (the data) to the broker in the JSON format:
