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go to the root menu
go back by one menu level
list all available menu commands and brief descriptions
global:global <var> [<value>]define a global variable:global myVar "something"; :put $myVar;
local:local <var> [<value>]define the local variable{ :local myLocalVar "I am local"; :put $myVar; }
beep:beep <freq> <length>beep built-in speaker
delay:delay <time>do nothing for a given period of time
put:put <expression>put supplied argument to the console
len:len <expression>return string length or array element count:put [:len "length=8"];
typeof:typeof <var>the return data type of variable:put [:typeof 4];
pick:pick <var> <start>[<count>]

return range of elements or substring. If the count is not specified, will return only one element from an array.

  • var - value to pick elements from
  • start - element to start picking from (the first element index is 0)
  • count - number of elements to pick starting from the first element with index=0

:put [:pick "abcde" 1 3]

Code Block

[admin@MikroTik] > :put [:pick "abcde" 1 3]

log:log <topic> <message>write a message to the system log. Available topics are "debug, error, info and warning":log info "Hello from script";
time:time <expression>return interval of time needed to execute the command:put [:time {:for i from=1 to=10 do={ :delay 100ms }}];
returns the time since epoch, where epoch is January 1, 1970, not counting leap seconds

Code Block
[admin@MikroTik] > :put [:timestamp]

set:set <var> [<value>]assign value to a declared variable.:global a; :set a true;
find:find <arg> <arg> <start>return position of a substring or array element:put [:find "abc" "a" -1];
environment:environment print <start>print initialized variable information:global myVar true; :environment print;
terminal related commands
error:error <output>Generate console error and stop executing the script
execute:execute <expression>

Execute the script in the background. The result can be written in the file by setting a "file"parameter or printed to the CLI by setting "as-string".

When using "as-string" parameter executed script is blocking (not executed in the background).

Code Block
:local j [:execute {/interface print follow where [:log info ~Sname~]}];
:delay 10s;
:do { /system script job remove $j } on-error={}

parse:parse <expression>parse the string and return parsed console commands. Can be used as a function.:global myFunc [:parse ":put hello!"];
resolve:resolve <arg>return the IP address of the given DNS name:put [:resolve ""];
retry:retry command=<expr> delay=[num] max=[num] on-error=<expr>Try to execute the given command "max" amount of times with a given "delay" between tries. On failure, execute the expression given in the "on-error" block

Code Block
[admin@MikroTik] > :retry command={abc} delay=1 max=2 on-error={:put "got error"}
got error

rndnum:rndnum from=[num] to=[num]random number generator:put [:rndnum from=1 to=99];
rndstr:rndstr from=[str] length=[num]random string generator

:put [:rndnum from="abcdef%^&" length=33];

toarray:toarray <var>convert variable to the array
tobool:tobool <var>convert variable to boolean
toid:toid <var>convert variable to internal ID
toip:toip <var>convert variable to IP address
toip6:toip6 <var>convert variable to IPv6 address
tonum:tonum <var>convert variable to an integer
tostr:tostr <var>convert variable to a string
totime:totime <var>convert variable to time
