
/tool dns-update

Standards: RFC 2136, RFC 3007

Dynamic DNS Update Tool gives a way to keep the domain name pointing to a dynamic IP address. It works by sending a domain name system update requests to the name server, which has a zone to be updated. Secure DNS updates are also supported.

The DNS update tool supports only one algorithm - hmac-md5. It's the only proposed algorithm for signing DNS messages.

 DNS update tool works only with the BIND server, it will not work with DynDNS, EveryDNS, or any other similar service. 


address (IP; Default: )Defines the IP address associated with the domain name.
dns-server (IP; Default: )DNS server to send updates to.
key (string; Default: )Authorization key to access the server.
key-name (string; Default: )Authorization key name (like a username) to access the server.
name (string; Default: )Name to attach with the IP address.
ttl (integer; Default: )Time to live for the item (in seconds).
zone (string; Default: )DNS zone where to update the domain name in.

The system clock time on your router can't differ from the DNS server's time by more than 5 minutes. Otherwise, the DNS server will ignore this request.


To tell DNS server to (re)associate mydomain name in the zone with IP address specifying that the name of the key is dns-update-key and the actual key updates:

[admin@MikroTik] tool> dns-update dns-server= name=mydomain \
\... address= key-name=dns-update-key key=update
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