/caps-man manager

/caps-man manager

/caps-man manager

/caps-man manager

/caps-man manager

/caps-man manager

enabled (yes | no; Default: no)Disable or enable CAPsMAN functionality
certificate (auto | certificate name | none; Default: none)Device certificate
ca-certificate (auto | certificate name | none; Default: none)Device CA certificate
require-peer-certificate (yes | no; Default: no)Require all connecting CAPs to have a valid certificate
package-path (string |; Default: )Folder location for the RouterOS packages. For example, use "/upgrade" to specify the upgrade folder from the files section. If empty string is set, CAPsMAN can use built-in RouterOS packages, note that in this case only CAPs with the same architecture as CAPsMAN will be upgraded.
upgrade-policy (none | require-same-version | suggest-same-upgrade; Default: none)Upgrade policy options
  • none - do not perform upgrade
  • require-same-version - CAPsMAN suggest to upgrade the CAP RouterOS version and if it fails it will not provision the CAP. (Manual provision is still possible)
  • suggest-same-version - CAPsMAN suggests to upgrade the CAP RouterOS version and if it fails it will still be provisioned