
MikroTik product naming can be confusing at first glance, but all the product codes have a logical explanation and follow a code.

RouterBOARD products naming details

RouterBOARD (short version RB)

<board name> <board features>-<built-in wireless> <wireless card features>-<connector type>-<enclosure type>

Board Name

Currently, there can be three types of board names:

Board Features

Board features follow immediately after board name section (no spaces or dashes), except when board name is a word, then board features are separated by space.

Currently used features (listed in the order they are used):

Built-in wireless details

If the board has built-in wireless, then all its features are represented in the following format:


Enclosure type

More Specific types OUT enclosures are:


Let's decode RB912UAG-5HPnD naming

CloudCoreRouter naming details

CloudCoreRouter (short version CCR) naming consists of:

<4 digit number>-<list of ports>-<enclosure type>

CloudRouterSwitch and CloudSmartSwitch naming details

CloudRouterSwitch (short version CRS, RouterOS device) CloudSmartSwitch (short version CSS, SwOS device) naming consists of:

<3 digit number>-<list of ports>-<built-in wireless card>-<enclosure type>