# feb/ 9/2024 8:49:47 by RouterOS 6.49.7 # software id = 472D-Y1GL # script: #| Welcome to RouterOS! #| 1) Set a strong router password in the System > Users menu #| 2) Upgrade the software in the System > Packages menu #| 3) Enable firewall on untrusted networks #| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #| Switch mode: #| * all interfaces switched; #| LAN Configuration: #| Login #| admin user protected by password :global defconfMode; :log info "Starting defconf script"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply configuration. # these commands are executed after installation or configuration reset #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :if ($action = "apply") do={ # wait for interfaces :local count 0; :while ([/interface ethernet find] = "") do={ :if ($count = 30) do={ :log warning "DefConf: Unable to find ethernet interfaces"; /quit; } :delay 1s; :set count ($count +1); }; /interface bridge add name=bridge disabled=no auto-mac=yes protocol-mode=rstp comment=defconf; :local bMACIsSet 0; :foreach k in=[/interface find where !(slave=yes || name~"bridge")] do={ :local tmpPortName [/interface get $k name]; :if ($bMACIsSet = 0) do={ :if ([/interface get $k type] = "ether") do={ /interface bridge set "bridge" auto-mac=no admin-mac=[/interface get $tmpPortName mac-address]; :set bMACIsSet 1; } } :if (([/interface get $k type] != "ppp-out") && ([/interface get $k type] != "lte")) do={ /interface bridge port add bridge=bridge interface=$tmpPortName comment=defconf; } } /ip address add address= interface=bridge comment="defconf"; :if (!($defconfPassword = "" || $defconfPassword = nil)) do={ /user set admin password=$defconfPassword } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revert configuration. # these commands are executed if user requests to remove default configuration #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :if ($action = "revert") do={ /user set admin password="" /system routerboard mode-button set enabled=no /system routerboard mode-button set on-event="" /system script remove [find comment~"defconf"] /ip firewall filter remove [find comment~"defconf"] /ipv6 firewall filter remove [find comment~"defconf"] /ipv6 firewall address-list remove [find comment~"defconf"] /ip firewall nat remove [find comment~"defconf"] /interface list member remove [find comment~"defconf"] /interface detect-internet set detect-interface-list=none /interface detect-internet set lan-interface-list=none /interface detect-internet set wan-interface-list=none /interface detect-internet set internet-interface-list=none /interface list remove [find comment~"defconf"] /tool mac-server set allowed-interface-list=all /tool mac-server mac-winbox set allowed-interface-list=all /ip neighbor discovery-settings set discover-interface-list=!dynamic :local o [/ip dhcp-server network find comment="defconf"] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ /ip dhcp-server network remove $o } :local o [/ip dhcp-server find name="defconf" !disabled] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ /ip dhcp-server remove $o } /ip pool { :local o [find name="default-dhcp" ranges=] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ remove $o } } :local o [/ip dhcp-client find comment="defconf"] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ /ip dhcp-client remove $o } /ip dns { set allow-remote-requests=no :local o [static find comment="defconf"] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ static remove $o } } /ip address { :local o [find comment="defconf"] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ remove $o } } :foreach iface in=[/interface ethernet find] do={ /interface ethernet set $iface name=[get $iface default-name] } /interface bridge port remove [find comment="defconf"] /interface bridge remove [find comment="defconf"] /interface bonding remove [find comment="defconf"] /interface wireless cap set enabled=no interfaces="" caps-man-addresses="" /caps-man manager set enabled=no /caps-man manager interface remove [find comment="defconf"] /caps-man manager interface set [ find default=yes ] forbid=no /caps-man provisioning remove [find comment="defconf"] /caps-man configuration remove [find comment="defconf"] /caps-man security remove [find comment="defconf"] } :log info Defconf_script_finished; :set defconfMode; caps-mode-script: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note: script will not execute at all (will throw a syntax error) if # dhcp or wireless-fp packages are not installed #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #| CAP configuration #| #| Wireless interfaces are set to be managed by CAPsMAN. #| All ethernet interfaces and CAPsMAN managed interfaces are bridged. #| DHCP client is set on bridge interface. # bridge port name :global brName "bridgeLocal"; :global logPref "defconf:"; :global action; :log info $action :if ($action = "apply") do={ # wait for ethernet interfaces :local count 0; :while ([/interface ethernet find] = "") do={ :if ($count = 30) do={ :log warning "DefConf: Unable to find ethernet interfaces"; /quit; } :delay 1s; :set count ($count + 1); } :local macSet 0; :local tmpMac ""; :foreach k in=[/interface ethernet find] do={ # first ethernet is found; add bridge and set mac address of the ethernet port :if ($macSet = 0) do={ :set tmpMac [/interface ethernet get $k mac-address]; /interface bridge add name=$brName auto-mac=no admin-mac=$tmpMac comment="defconf"; :set macSet 1; } # add bridge ports /interface bridge port add bridge=$brName interface=$k comment="defconf" } # try to add dhcp client on bridge interface (may fail if already exist) :do { /ip dhcp-client add interface=$brName disabled=no comment="defconf" } on-error={ :log warning "$logPref unable to add dhcp client";} # try to configure caps (may fail if for example specified interfaces are missing) :local interfacesList ""; :local bFirst 1; # wait for wireless interfaces :while ([/interface wireless find] = "") do={ :if ($count = 30) do={ :log warning "DefConf: Unable to find wireless interfaces"; /quit; } :delay 1s; :set count ($count + 1); } # delay just to make sure that all wireless interfaces are loaded :delay 5s; :foreach i in=[/interface wireless find] do={ if ($bFirst = 1) do={ :set interfacesList [/interface wireless get $i name]; :set bFirst 0; } else={ :set interfacesList "$interfacesList,$[/interface wireless get $i name]"; } } :do { /interface wireless cap set enabled=yes interfaces=$interfacesList discovery-interfaces=$brName bridge=$brName } on-error={ :log warning "$logPref unable to configure caps";} } :if ($action = "revert") do={ :do { /interface wireless cap set enabled=no interfaces="" discovery-interfaces="" bridge=none } on-error={ :log warning "$logPref unable to unset caps";} :local o [/ip dhcp-client find comment="defconf"] :if ([:len $o] != 0) do={ /ip dhcp-client remove $o } /interface bridge port remove [find comment="defconf"] /interface bridge remove [find comment="defconf"] } custom-script: