Versions Compared


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Let's call this script "failoverScript", and see below the source:

# Setup and read current values
:global simSlot [/system routerboard modem get sim-slot]
:global timeoutLTE 60
:global timeoutConnect 60

# Wait for LTE to initialize for maximum "timeoutLTE" seconds
:local i 0
:local isLTEinit false
:while ($i<$timeoutLTE) do={
    :foreach n in=[/interface lte find] do={:set $isLTEinit true}
    :if ($isLTEinit=true) do={
        :set $i $timeoutLTE
    :set $i ($i+1)
    :delay 1s

# Check if LTE is initialized, or try power-reset the modem
:if ($isLTEinit=true) do={
    # Wait for LTE interface to connect to mobile network for maximum "timeoutConnet" seconds
    :local isConnected false
    :set $i 0
    :while ($i<$timeoutConnect) do={
        :if ([/interface lte get [find name="lte1"] running]=true) do={
            :set $isConnected true
            :set $i $timeoutConnect
        :set $i ($i+1)
        :delay 1s
    # Check if LTE is connected
    if ($isConnected=false) do={
	    # Check which SIM slot is used
        :if ($simSlot="down") do={
            # If "down" slot, switch to up
	        :log info message="LTE down, switching slot to UP"
                /interface lte settings set sim-slot=up
        :if ($simSlot="up") do={
            # If "up" slot, switch to down
	        :log info message="LTE down, switching slot to DOWN"
                /interface lte settings set sim-slot=down
        } else={
            # Else "running"
            :if ($isConnected=true) do={
                :log info message="LTE UP"
    } else={
        :log info message="LTE interface did not connect to network, wait for next scheduler"
    } else={
    :log info message="LTE modem did not appear, trying power-reset"
    /system routerboard usb power-reset duration=5s

Setting up scheduler

Last, create your scheduler that will run the previously created script. Choose a proper scheduler interval, so two or more events do not overlap with each other. For this example above, 3 minutes will be enough.
